JUNE 23RD-25TH 2024

Young Men’s Outdoor Retreat

Age: High School- 14-18 years old

Location: Throttle Therapy Lake Anna

(90 acres, ½ mile from Lake Anna)

This retreat will be a 4-day 3 night getaway for young men.


An opportunity for young men to disconnect from their everyday lives and engage in activities that promote mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being. Drawing these young men out of their comfort zones and into an environment such as Throttle Therapy will promote a safe space where they can be open, genuine, and vulnerable without feeling judged or criticized.

The primary purpose of Lead Strong is to raise leaders by breaking barriers. In our experience, the process begins at the later of our mission statement. Blessing men, women, boys, and girls with tools to construct a brighter future holds little value if their minds and emotions are conditioned or incarcerated by the prison of captive thoughts, such as low self-esteem, fear, the thought of not being good enough, the I can’t mentality and turning to the streets for love and acceptance.

Lead Strong’s young men outdoor retreat will attack those barriers by strategic sessions, a career day that will not only include college and military, but vocational options and trade schools. We will strike these barriers by sharing not what we heard about, but how we busted through the same barriers to see the dawn of a new day. The typical glass ceiling analogy where there are invisible barriers that a lot of minority groups face in the corporate world while trying to advance their careers. We will discuss options on how to overcome when you’re overlooked. We no longer see opposition as a negative but as an opportunity of another victory.

When these young men leave this retreat, they will do so with their head held high, ready to approach every man with a firm handshake looking them straight in the eye. They will open doors for ladies and know the why behind it. They will smile when they hear a no because they just moved closer to a yes. They will be comforted knowing that they will have a personal Lead Strong Mentor they can depend on for sound advise and to walk this journey with them. They will be examples to their families, their peers and their communities. They will Lead Strong!



Our Proudest Sponsor

Taken in Cambodia